Aixin Jueluo 爱新觉罗 (1918-2001)

Aixin Jueluo 爱新觉罗 (1918-2001)

Since childhood, he has loved painting and calligraphy under the influence of his father, Xinjue Luo, and his brothers, Xue Zhai, Yu Dunzhai, and Song Song. And have the opportunity within the government palace אם copy paintings of artist Yuanshen. At the age of six, there is a reputation for painting a horse prodigy. 

In 1952, he joined the Chinese Painting Research Association. In 1959  was appointed as a lecturer in traditional Chinese painting at Tianjin University. He was a member of the China Democratic League . He is a member of the Sixth CPPCC National Committee. There is a collection of "Zhu Zuo Paintings". He cooperated with famous painters Sun Qifeng and Zhang Qiyi to publish "Flower and Bird Painting Fan"
